Backround: Preparing an interview by phone, or letter, a presentation

How to make your first steps to a company? An example....


A (interviewer): Good morning [time-adjusted], [name of person]. Introduce my name [full name / interviewer's nickname]. I am an interviewer from Gajimu ( I got your number from [state the name of the trade union].

B (Person at company): Yes, what's up?

A: So here we are, ladies and gentlemen. WageIndicator plans to carry out a Decent Work Survey in a few factories located within the area of your jurisdiction​​. In connection with this, we intend to organize a meeting with some of your interested colleagues to socialize and familiarize them with the program.

During the meeting the program, the Decent Work Survey and its aims will be presented in more detail. For that, we ask you assistance and support to become our partnering local committee for the duration of the program.

B: What is Decent Work Check?

A: [Briefly, but clearly, explain what Decent Work Check program is].

B: What do you mean by the local committee? Is there a fee or not?

A: The local committee will hopefully assist me in finding and contacting union representatives in the factories that WageIndiiator selected for participation in this survey. The factories are [mention the factories that are your duty]. WageIndicator would like to invite you trade union representatives for participation in this socialization activity.

So, to summarize, assist WageIndicator in preparing the survey outreach. How much is your usual fee? I will convey it to WageIndicator to see what can be done. 

B: The fee is usually xxxx. When will the socialization be planned?

During the socialization meeting, the interviewer will present / introduce:

  • What is the "Decent Work Check program"
  • What are the benefits and objectives of the program?
  • Show the results achieved by the program  in the first phase
  • Workflow program 


How to make a good presentation


  1. Dig up information about the audience and plan their presentation activities
  • This is the first step that you must do, you first dig up information about the audience and planned presentation activities. You need to know:
  • How many people were present from how many organisations? [Highly recommended, you can remember the names of the invited  representatives. It's also a good idea to prepare a nametag for the  representatives who are present]
  • What is the duration of your outreach and how long will your presentation be?
  • The format is just a presentation or is there a question and answer session?
  • If there are questions and answers, how long does the presentation take?


  1. Set the Purpose of Your Presentation
  • No one will arrive at their destination if they don't have the address. Every great presentation you will never achieve, if you do not know what you want to achieve.
  • So after you have dug up information about the audience and planned presentation activities.
  • Next, set the presentation goals.
  • - Is the purpose of your presentation to provide information?
  • - Is it to motivate?
  • - or to influence or persuade.
  • All this must be clear at the start. Because by knowing your goals, you will know how
  • You way to achieve that goal.


  1. Master and Arrange Presentation Materials Well
  • If the presentation material that you are about to bring is already mastered, then at this stage you can directly arrange it
  • your material. However, if you have not mastered the presentation material, then you must create time for
  • learn to explore your material.
  • When it comes to compiling material, make sure when composing material that is effective and efficient, then it is structured and contains a heavy content content.
  • Effective here means that the material must be relevant to the needs of the audience and relevant to the purpose of the presentation.
  • Then it is efficient, you must arrange the material in accordance with the available time limit.
  • Furthermore, structured means that the material must be coherent, well-structured, this is to help you to remember the order of the discussion points and help the audience to easily follow and easily understand your message.
  • Then weighted means, any information, data, facts or whatever you enter must be useful and can be justified rationally or scientifically, in accordance with the context of your presentation.


  1. Create an Attractive Slide Design
  • If you use presentation slides, then you also need to prepare or create slide designs
  • your presentation as well as possible.
  • Make a simple slide, use good visuals, relevant to your content, then make sure the color contrast is also maintained, especially the background color contrast with the elements on it, so that the content that you display clearly reads.
  • Then again use the color and font type consistently, placing each element on the slide well and neatly, so that the slide is more pleasing to the eye, making sure also, not to use excessive animation and transitions.


  1. Prepare the Presentation Equipment

There are several tools that you must prepare.

  1. a laptop.
  2. the remote presenter (if any).
  3. a LCD Projector. If the socialization takes place at the hotel, the hotel usually has an LCD projector which can be used. However, if the location of the socialization is determined in a particular factory or DPC office (which has not there is a projector). So, make sure you can rent it or coordinate with your Decent Work Check team.
  4. then for laptops, make sure you don't forget to bring a charger. Make sure the Screen Saver is turned off and the power is conditioned in the Always On state.


  1. Do the presentation exercises
  • Understand that there will not be a bad presentation, if every presenter trains their presentation with mature. Th is is a principle that you need to uphold. In fact, world class presentation maestros like Steve Jobs also did the exercises.
  • Therefore, do the exercises as long as there is time to do it. You can do your own exercise in front of the glass or in front of the camera, in front of your friends or whenever possible practice on the spot at where you will talk.


  1. Prepare mentally and physically

Websites that you can use to find information about preparing and how to make a good presentation can be found here: interesting- attention-audiens/
